NCRS 2025 Las Vegas, NV National Convention Activities

2025 Las Vegas National Convention
September 7th to September 11th, 2025 .
Entries accepted, in order, by US Postal Service postmark date OR a successfully completed and paid online registration at First Class mail only (no overnight express!). Entries postmarked prior to February 1st, 2025, or those which are incomplete in any way will be returned.
If you need a copy of the registration paper form.
All Flight®/Duntov/McLellan/Hill Divisions are limited to eight (8) cars per judging day; PV® Divisions to four (4) cars; Star/Bowtie and Crossed Flags Divisions to four (4) cars; Founders® unlimited; American Heritage by invitation only. ALL DIVISIONS CLOSE ON July 21st. All cars must be in place and checked-in at the Judging Registration desk between 9:00AM and 4:00PM Sunday, September 7th. Any entry not checked in AND in place by 4:00PM will be canceled, all fees forfeited, and cars on the waiting list will be eligible. Judged cars must remain in place until the completion of all judging on Thursday afternoon.
Legal owner of the car must present at the NCRS Judging Registration Desk between 9:00AM and 4:00PM, Sunday, September 7th, 2025.
The following is a list of tentative Divisions, day, and time of judging. Please note that they are subject to change:
Monday, September 8th, 7:00AM to completion,
PV®s (by appointment), NCRS Founders Award® Judging, and all Operations Checks. See information below.
Tuesday, September 9th, 8:00AM to completion,
All Star/Bowtie and Crossed Flags Judging. See information below.
Wednesday, September 10th, 8:00AM to completion, Flight®/Duntov/McLellan Judging
1953-1955, 1958-1960, 1963-1964, 1965, 1966, 1967, 1968-1969, 1970-1972, 1973-1977, 1984-1996, 2005-2007
Thursday, September 11th, 8:00AM to completion, Flight®/Duntov/McLellan/Hill Judging
1956-1957, 1961-1962, 1963-64, 1965, 1966, 1967, 1968-1969, 1970-1972, 1978-1982, 1997-2007 All 1953-2007 Concours Judging
Every car entering the Exhibition Hall must have a Fire Extinguisher on board. This applies to all cars, judged and display. NCRS will have a limited number of Fire Extinguishers available for sale. If your car does not have a Fire Extinguisher and it is denied entry to the Exhibition Hall, we will not judge it in any other location. Gas tanks must have 1/4 tank or 5 gallons of gasoline whichever is less. Cars must also have a battery cutoff switch.
Flight Judging® Requirements: With your application and payment, you must include proof that your car has achieved an NCRS Third Flight® Award (or higher), under your ownership, since January 1st, 2022. Proof of vehicle ownership and proof of liability insurance must also be supplied with your registration. If any of these required items are not available when you submit your registration, please, so indicate, however, all the missing items must be received in the Registration Office no later than July 21st. The owner is the only person who may enter and represent a car for judging. You will be required to remain with your car on Monday, September 8th, after all Operations Checks are completed, so that you may drive your car for placement in its predetermined spot on the show field.
Duntov® (1953-74), McLellan® (1975-92) and Hill® (1993-2006), and Wallace® (2007) Judging Requirements: Your car must have achieved at least a 97.0 Net Score at an NCRS Regional Meet or National Convention and proof that your car has achieved an NCRS Performance Verification® Award, both under your ownership and since January 1st, 2022. Liability insurance, proof of vehicle ownership, representation, and remaining with your car until it has been placed on the show field on Monday, September 8th are all the same as noted above under Flight Judging® Requirements.
Performance Verification® Requirements: Your car must be licensed for legal public roadway operation and the owner/operator must have a valid driver’s license. In addition, the following items noted above under Flight Judging® Requirements shall also apply to PV candidates: (1) Third Flight Award (or higher) since January 1st, 2022, (2) proof of ownership, (3) proof of insurance, (4) late submission of missing documents, and (5) remaining with your car on September 8th, 2025.
Star/Bowtie Judging Requirements: Available at this Convention for 1953-2006 Corvettes. Proof of vehicle ownership and liability insurance, owner representation, and owner must remain with the car until it has been placed on the show field on Monday, September 8th, are all the same as noted above under Flight Judging® Requirements. Refer to the current NCRS Judging Reference Manual (9th Edition) for prerequisites, including Bowtie/Star sign-off.
Crossed Flags Judging Requirements: Available at this Convention for 1984-2007 Corvettes that have received the McLellan or Hill Award under your ownership. Proof of vehicle ownership and liability insurance, owner representation, and owner must remain with the car until it has been placed on the show field on Monday, September 8th, are all the same as noted above under Flight Judging® Requirements. Refer to the NCRS Judging Reference Manual (9th Edition) for pre-requisites, including sign-off.
Founders and Re-Founders Judging® Requirements: Proof of ownership, liability insurance, owner representation, and owner must remain with the car until it has been placed on the show field on Monday, September 8th, are all the same as noted above under Flight Judging® Requirements. Refer to the current NCRS Judging Reference Manual (9th Edition) for specific requirements.
American Heritagesm and Challengesm Proof of ownership, liability insurance, owner representation, and owner must remain with the car until it has been placed on the show field on Monday, September 8th, are all the same as noted above under Flight Judging® Requirements. Refer to the NCRS Judging Reference Manual ®9th Edition) for prerequisites and specific requirements.
Concours Judging: Proof of ownership, liability insurance, owner representation, and owner must remain with the car until it has been placed on the show field on Monday, September 8th, are all the same as noted above under Flight Judging® Requirements.
Sportsman Display Notes: All Sportsman® entries ®including cars entered for both Sportsman® and Year of the ‘75 will be assigned parking places in outdoor Sportsman area, indoor parking my be offeredd subject to space limitiations.
Year of the 1975 Requirements: This display class is open to any and all 1975 Corvettes, restored, unrestored, customized, rolling chassis, or even partially completed. Cars will be displayed in a special area. Owners will also receive a special plaque. Indoor parking is not guaranteed and will only be offered on a space-available basis.
Contingency Applications: Those applying for Flight®, Duntov®, McLellan®, Hill®, PV®, American Heritage® or Founders® Judging who have not yet completed the requirements, but intend to do so prior to July 21st may apply on a contingent basis. With your application, include specific information indicating where and when you will be attempting to fulfill your requirements. Priority will be given according to the completion date of your requirements.
Judging Confirmation: All Car Judging Confirmations will be sent to you only by the National Judging Chairman, David Brigham. These are separate from your Convention Registration confirmation. If you do not recieve Judging Confirmation by August 5th, 2025, something is wrong with your Judging Application. YOU MUST CONTACT DAVID BRIGHHAM IMMEDIATELY. SEE BELOW FOR CONTACT INFORMATION
Judges: Team Judges will be selected and contacted by the National Team Leaders from the most experienced available candidates. Every effort will be made to have the Judging Teams contacted and confirmed by July 31st.
Observer Judges: Members with little or no experience are strongly encouraged to join in by participating as an Observer Judge. You will not be contacted prior to the Convention and need only to be present at the OJ meeting as indicated on the schedule.
Members Applying to Enter More than One Car: For Online Registrations after entering the first car click on the Add Another Car link to add additional cars. If you are registering by paper registration, use a separate application for each car entered. Your multiple application will be governed by those rules outlined in the current NCRS Judging Reference Manual.
Convention Contacts
Convention Detail Questions (hall and events): Mike Ingham
Email (preferred method):
Telephone: (510) 420-0968 Pacific Time Zone
Judging Questions: David Brigham, National Judging Chairman
Telephone: (781)237-3456 (Days- Eastern Time Zone)
Registration Questions: Sharyl Ingham, NCRS Convention Registrar
Telephone: (510) 708-5211 Pacific Time Zone
Hotel Questions: David Heath
Email: (preferred)
Telephone: (714) 401-2146 Central Time Zone
Tour Questions: Sherri Demmel
Email: (preferred):
Youth Activities Coordinator: Jennifer Stefanik
Email: (preferred)
Telephone: (814) 876-2799 Eastern Time Zone