NCRS 2025 Las Vegas, NV National Convention Activities

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Join us in Las Vegas, NV, September 7th to September 11th for our annual NCRS Convention.

National Convention Activities

The committee has planned a diverse and entertaining list of activities that reflect the entire metropolitan area and embraces the heritage of Las Vegas and surrounding areas. An array of bus tours for both Corvette enthusiasts and family members will offer you the opportunity to experience a well-rounded week of fun. In addition, there are numerous excellent Tech Sessions plus the Advanced Judging School. We look forward to welcoming you with some great hospitality! Be sure to sign up for your favorite day trips. We only reserve enough transportation space to accommodate the preregistered members. There are usually very few, if any, chances to purchase tickets on-site. Make sure you make your reservations early.

Welcome Reception - Name badge required for entrance!

Date & Time: Sunday, September 7th, 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM
Cost: Free to registered attendees. Come enjoy the 2025 NCRS Convention Welcome Reception, at the luxurious South Point Casino and hotel. Renew old friendships, meet new members. Relax and mingle with the attendees.

NCRS Annual Membership Meeting

Date & Time: Monday, September 8th, 7PM
Cost: Free to all members, Exhibit Hall D
Make sure you plan to attend this annual meeting for all NCRS members. There will be a brief business report followed by the Youth Judging Awards, Chapter Recognition, Chapter Flight® Awards, Founders® Awards, Sportsman Awards, Master Judge® plus higher judging recognition awards and selected additional awards. This is your meeting so please plan to attend.

NCRS Awards Banquet

Tickets and name badge required for entrance!

Date & Time: Thursday September 11 th, 6-7PM cocktail hour, cash bar, dinner at 7PM.
Cost: $75 adult beef and/or Chilean Sea Bass $50 vegetarian $30 child
Tickets and name badge required for entrance!
Whether you are receiving an award or not, this is the last night to enjoy a great meal and good times with your friends. The evening begins with a social/cocktail hour at the South Point Grand Ballroom B. Dinner is your choice of beef or sea bass or a vegetarian dish, and children will be served chicken. Please make your selection on your registration, dress is business casual. Pre-seating selection will begin on Tuesday at the Registration/Help desk.

If you are to receive an award and cannot attend, please make advance arrangements at the Registration/Help Desk for it to be shipped.

Year of the 1975 Display

Cost: $75 Sign up on the Judging Registration Form.
All NCRS members owning 1975 Corvettes are encouraged and are welcome to register their cars for the 2025 50th Anniversary Year of the 1975 Display at the convention in Las Vegas. Any 1975 Corvette(s) registered for the year of the ‘75 will be displayed and receive recognition, a special plaque. So please register your Corvette early. Year of the ‘75 plaques will be presented at the Awards Banquet.

Excursions you won't want to miss!

Hoover Dam Tour

Monday, September 8th, 8:15 AM to 2:15 PM
Cost: $50.00 per person. Includes Transportation, lunch on your own.
Bus Departs Main Entrance South Point Hotel with transportation to Windstar Lines Office where departure begins.
Limit: 100

Hoover Dam

Price includes a 10-minute movie on the history of the dam, a 30-minute guided “Power Plant Tour” and admittance to the Visitor Center Exhibits and Observation Deck. The Power Plant tour consists of walking through the original construction tunnels, visiting the viewing platform overlooking a 30-foot diameter penstock, and seeing eight commercial generators in the Nevada Powerhouse.

For an additional $15, self-pay as we cannot buy these tickets in advance, you can take a guided “Dam Tour”. This tour is a one-hour tour as you will see all the items mentioned in the Power Plant Tour and you will ride the original elevator to the top of Hoover Dam, walk through the inspection tunnels at the center of the dam, and view the Colorado River through the inspection ventilation shaft.

There is time in the schedule to allow you to eat lunch, self-pay, at the Hoover Dam Café on the grounds and take a walk on the dam if so inclined.

NCRS Convention Name Badges Required
Wheelchairs: If you are wheelchair bound and cannot board/debark from a bus, please indicate. Without prior information, this service will not be available.

Ron Fellows Driving School Tour

Date/Time: Tuesday, September 9th, 2025 8:45 AM - 12:30 PM Return to Hotel
Cost: $35.00 per person.
Transportation will depart from main entrance South Point Hotel.
Limit: 50

Ron Fellows Driving School

This tour includes a narrated tour of the grounds of the Ron Fellows Driving School. This site tour will use a motor coach. We cannot visit the track or classroom facilities because they are in use for driving school customers and members.

NCRS Convention Name Badges Required
Wheelchairs: If you are wheelchair bound and cannot board/debark from a bus, please indicate. Without prior information, this service will not be available.

MOB Museum Tour

Date/Time: Wednesday September 10th, 2025, 9:45 AM - 12:45 PM
Cost $50.00 per person
Transportation will depart from main entrance South Point Hotel.
Limit: 100

MOB Museum

This tour includes three levels of photos, text, displays, interactive techniques, hands-on exhibits, and other types of innovative museum display methods. You will learn about the Mob’s history of organized crime, Prohibition, the origins of the FBI, Al Capone, Eliot Ness, and so much more.

NCRS Convention Name Badges Required
Wheelchairs: If you are wheelchair bound and cannot board/debark from a bus, please indicate. Without prior information, this service will not be available.

NCRS Convention Name Badges Required
Wheelchairs: If you are wheelchair bound and cannot board/debark from a bus, please indicate. Without prior information, this service will not be available.

Convention Contacts

Convention Detail Questions (hall and events): Mike Ingham
Email (preferred method):
Telephone: (510) 420-0968 Pacific Time Zone

Judging Questions: David Brigham, National Judging Chairman
Telephone: (781)237-3456 (Days- Eastern Time Zone)

Registration Questions: Sharyl Ingham, NCRS Convention Registrar
Telephone: (510) 708-5211 Pacific Time Zone

Hotel Questions: David Heath
Email: (preferred)
Telephone: (714) 401-2146 Central Time Zone

Tour Questions: Sherri Demmel
Email: (preferred):

Youth Activities Coordinator: Jennifer Stefanik
Email: (preferred)
Telephone: (814) 876-2799 Eastern Time Zone

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