NCRS 2025 Las Vegas, NV National Convention Road Tours

2025 NCRS Las Vegas, NV National Convention
Sunday September 7th through Thursday September 11th.
ALL sessions are FREE for REGISTERED Convention attendees. Be sure to wear your Convention name badge as it is your admission to these events.
Judging Schools & Seminars
NCRS Advanced Judging Seminar
Times/Dates: (Session 1) Wednesday, September 10th, - 9:30 AM to 11:30 AM and (Session 2) 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM
Thursday, (Session 1) September 11th, 9:30 AM to 11:30 AM and (Session 2) 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM
Session #1 Exhibit Hall D, Session #2 Exhibit Hall B.
Mark Donnaly, one of the most senor NCRS Judges, will lead this dual-session Advanced Judging Seminar. Mark and a team of Master Judges select a highly original Corvette and use it as an example of many original parts and assemblies. Lifts will be used for up close viewing.
Five (5) NCRS Judging Points will be awarded to those who attend BOTH sessions of this seminar on the same day. Zero (O) NCRS Judging Points will be awarded to those who do not attend BOTH sessions on the same day.
1968 – 72 Mechanical, Part 1 – Bob Demmel & Gary Craig
Times/Dates: Monday, September 8th, 10:00 AM to 11:30 AM, Hall D.
Bob Demmel, 1968-69 National Team Leader and Gary Craig, 1970-72 National Team Leader, will team up to present an in-depth discussion of what to look for when you judge the mechanical section of a 1968-72 Corvette.
With all the variances in the mechanical section thru these five years, part 1 presentation will focus on the the 1968-69 Corvettes and part 2 will focus on 1970-72 . Be prepared to see the items that are the most challenging to judge in the 1968-72 model year range. Three (3) NCRS Judging Points will be awarded for attending this session.
1963 TSB’s and Running Changes – Joe Scafidi & Andy Cabral
Times/Dates: Monday, September 8th, 1:45 PM to 3:15 PM, Hall D.
Joe Scafidi, 1963-64, National Team Leader & Andy Cabral will lead this presentation. The introduction of the 1963 Corvette in September 1962 was a tremendous leap forward for the Corvette in terms of both styling and mechanical features. As one might expect, there were many changes that GM had to make as this new Corvette was produced, sold and driven by customers. These changes were often memorialized in a Technical Service Bulletin ("TSB”), but not 100% of the time. Certain modifications were treated as running changes, and their impact was simply observed by consumers and then documented by NCRS members and others.
Joe and Andy will present examples of well-documented TSB’s and running changes, as well as obscure items that alert owners have identified. Three (3) NCRS Judging Points will be awarded for attending this session.
1953-62 Engine Compartment Components – Greg Picconi & Garry Mion
Times/Dates: Tuesday, September 9th, 10:00 AM to 11:30 AM, Hall D.
1961-62 National Team Leader, and Garry Mion will follow up on the Part 1 presentation on C1 engine compartment items, at the 2024 National Convention. Greg and Richard Brodeur took you through the fuel delivery system used from 1953 through 1962 model years.
The 2025 follow up will pick up where the 2024 school ended. Although this school may include limited discussion of items in the engine compartment that we judge in the Chassis Section, the main focus will be on items judged in the Mechanical Section. Three (3) NCRS Judging Points will be awarded for attending this session.
Introduction to NCRS Judging - Greg Picconi & KC Strawmyre
Times/Dates: Tuesday, September 9th, 1:45 PM to 2:45 PM, Hall D.
This school is an introductory course for NCRS members with little or no NCRS judging experience. The discussion will provide an overview of how we judge Corvettes and how we recognize and reward our judges. Greg and KC will focus on and discuss judging guidelines while offering insightful information to aid members new to the judging process. The discussion will include the NCRS Judges Recognition Program, accumulation of NCRS Judging Points, Flight scoring sheets and how originality and condition scoring are properly applied using NCRS guidelines. Three (3) NCRS Judging Points will be awarded for attending this session.
Understanding Mid-Year Trim Tags – Bill Calorico
Times/Dates: Tuesday, September 9th, 1:45 PM to 3:15 PM, Hall D
Bill Calorico, 1966 National Team Leader will discuss the way you can decode, decipher and understand the information contained on a mid-year trim tag. Topics to be presented include: ECL Codes, factory overrides, COPO orders, and factory errors/anomalies. Atypical and impossible RPO combinations will be visited. You will be shown photographs of real tags and artistic representations of tag data. Three (3) NCRS Judging Points will be awarded for attending this session.
Technical Sessions
Corvette Chat with Corvette Engineers, Dave McLellan, Dave Hill, Tom Wallace, Tadge Juechter & Josh Holder
Times/Dates: Wednesday, September 10th, 3:00 PM to 4:30 PM, Hall D
We are again honored to have these gentlemen and their wives attend our convention. These gentlemen were directly responsible for advancing the Corvette to where it is today. This will be a discussion of past and current Corvette engineering procedures, racing activities, and other topics of interest to the automobile enthusiast. A question and answer session will follow the prepared remarks. No Judging Points awarded for this session.
Aftermarket Air Conditioning Systems - Bob Kinstrey
Times/Dates: Wednesday, September 10th, 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM
Is it uncomfortable for you to ride in your non-A/C Corvette? Various aftermarket suppliers sell an add-on A/C system that will solve your problem. Although these systems receive significant deductions in NCRS Flight Judging, you may decide that your ability to drive your Corvette in cool comfort is very important. Bob will review the purchase, installation and use of such products. No Judging Points awarded for this session.
NCRS Historical Document Services Tech Session – Tim Gilmore & David Brigham
Times/Dates: Thursday, September 11th, 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM, Hall D
Tim Gilmore, NCRS Document Validation Team Member, and David Brigham, NCRS National Judging Chairman, will lead this Tech Session discussion of what document services NCRS can provide to you. In cooperation with General Motors, NCRS has received certain factory information that is used in answering member questions. Additionally, NCRS has created a database of the judging awards that have been earned on the judging field. The first part of this Tech Session will focus on the three historical services offered by NCRS, and the second half of the session will address participant questions. No Judging Points awarded for this session.