NCRS 2025 Las Vegas National Convention Hotels

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Join us in Las Vegas, NV, September 7th to September 11th for our annual NCRS Convention.

Travel and Lodging Information

South Point Hotel, Casino and Spa, Las Vegas, NV 9777 Las Vegas Blvd S, Las Vegas, NV 89183

The convention hotel room block opens February 1st, 2025. So please register for the convention and book your rooms early to make sure you have a reservation confirmation. All on-site convention activities are being held at the Exhibit Hall. Transportation for all off-site activities will depart from the Main entrance South Point Hotel. Please register for the convention and then reserve your room early.

Please note that on Aug 1, NCRS will be checking Convention registrations against hotel bookings. Any hotel reservation found in the NCRS hotel block that does not have a Convention registration is subject to hotel cancellation and/or removal from the NCRS hotel block and is subject to higher rates.

National Convention Host Hotels

South Point Hotel, Casino & Spa - 9777 Las Vegas Blvd S, Las Vegas, NV 89183

Reservations: 866-791-7626

Hotel Website:

Starting February 1st, 2025, the url for reservations online is:

NCRS Group Rate Code COR0723 (first 3 letters COR, last 4 numbers 0723,) (not available until February 1)

NCRS Group Rate is Sunday thru Thursday $75, Friday & Satuday $160, plus resort fee of $18 per night. Triple or quad occupancy add $20 per night.
The hotel will charge your credit card for ONE night upon reserving a room. (refundable if cancelled with advance notice)

Hotel Parking Information: TBD

Hotel Map and Layout

Click here for Map

Convention Detail Questions (hall and events): Mike Ingham
Email (preferred method):
Telephone: (510) 420-0968 Pacific Time Zone

Judging Questions: David Brigham, National Judging Chairman
Telephone: (781)237-3456 (Days- Eastern Time Zone)

Registration Questions: Sharyl Ingham, NCRS Convention Registrar
Telephone: (510) 708-5211 Pacific Time Zone

Hotel Questions: David Heath
Email: (preferred)
Telephone: (714) 401-2146 Central Time Zone

Tour Questions: Sherri Demmel
Email: (preferred):

Youth Activities Coordinator: Jennifer Stefanik
Email: (preferred)
Telephone: (814) 876-2799 Eastern Time Zone

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