NCRS Publications
Corvette Restoration Guides and Magazines
Membership in the NCRS includes subscriptions to two of the finest Corvette club publications available.
The Corvette Restorer Magazine, published quarterly is the most authoritative source available for restoration information. Articles submitted by members are full of experience in doing the things that are required to restore and service our cars. Research articles on the way that Chevrolet engineered, produced and tested our cars some 20 to 60 years ago answer questions that we could not find in any other source.
We have an index of past articles you can search. DVD's of the complete Restorer Archives are available as well.
The Driveline Magazine is published bimonthly. It is full of members (free) ads to buy, sell, or swap cars and parts with other members. There are also ads for members looking for previous owners, or documentation for various cars. The Driveline also contains ads for many of the Vendors that support our hobby. It is a great one stop shopping experience for the Corvette Restorer.
The Corvette Restorer Magazine
Our quarterly magazine was recently described by Richard Prince in Vette Magazine as:
Absolutely the finest automobile 'club' publication in existence... Even if you don't like stock 'original type'
cars, and will never attend an NCRS function, the magazine by itself is worth the price of dues.
Old Cars Weekly has honored The Corvette Restorer with 15 Golden Quill awards. Members use the magazine's 52 pages to learn and share historical, restoration, and technical material. No ads ever. Best of all, you can benefit from over 46 years of amassed knowledge because members can get copies of any article that we've ever printed.
Click on picture to view a recent issue online.
Members are encouraged to submit articles to the NCRS Restorer Magazine. Information about how to submit an article to be considered for publication is available.
Here is an index of all of the past issues beginning in 1974.
The Driveline Newsletter
Our bimonthly Driveline newsletter is the perfect companion
publication to the magazine. Members receive a free 50
word ad in each issue and hundreds use this space to buy,
sell, or trade Corvettes and parts. Members
Only Submit
a Driveline Ad now online.
Click on picture to view a recent issue online.
The Driveline is also used to keep members updated on NCRS Chapter events, Regional meets, the National Convention and other hobby news. As a special members-only service, the NCRS sells Corvette books and literature at far below retail prices through the Driveline.

Free Member Ads!
Ads to buy, sell, or trade are run at no cost to NCRS members for any model year Corvette and related items and services. NCRS will print one free 50-word-range ad per member, per issue. Ads with excessive words will be cut. Ads for cars, bodies and frames for sale or trade should include the Vehicle Identification Serial Number. We will not print any unfounded claims, and all reproduction parts must be so labeled. Ads cannot be run continuously; they must be submitted for each issue. We absolutely require your NCRS Membership Number to verify your membership. Your NCRS membership number appears on the top line of every mailing label. Free member ads without it will not be published. Please indicate in which classification you wish your ad to appear: Cars For Sale; Parts For Sale; Cars & Parts Wanted; Information Wanted; or Services & Miscellaneous.
Click Here to Submit a Driveline Ad
Schedule for Driveline and Restorer Magazines. Driveline Only *
January/February Issue | November 30st | Mailed by January 15th |
March/April Issue | January 31st | Mailed by March 15th |
* May/June Issue Driveline Only | March 31st | Mailed by May 15th |
July/August Issue | May 31st | Mailed by July 15th |
September/October Issue | July 31st | Mailed by September 15th |
* November/December Issue Driveline Only | September 30st | Mailed by November 15th |