Chapter Training

ALL Users:

This section is dedicated to helping NCRS Officers and Chapter officers with their interaction with our Membership Data. Each office has different functions although some overlap in some ways. In order to protect the data on members we strive to only allow one individual in each chapter to have access to add or change data, while more than one can have access to view the data.

Managing Members and Managing Events are two areas where it is extreemly important to understand how to manage your responsibilites. Mistakes entering data can make if very difficult to fix.

These pages are here to help you understand the system so the data is up to date and accurate. If you have any questions about the instructions or don't quite understand PLEASE contact the Helpdesk for help. We would much rather help you do it correctly than try to clean up a mess.

We are happy to arrange a time to talk directly on the phone and remote into your computer to go through a process if that is needed.

Last edited 06/28/2021

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