NCRS Chapter Awards Program
National Corvette Restorers Society
The NCRS Chapter Award Program was developed to promote involvement and participation by members in their Chapter events while encouraging the sharing of knowledge in the restoration and preservation of the Corvette. The Program measures the performance of each Chapter against standard award criteria similar to the principal used in judging our Corvettes. Each Chapter is eligible to receive an award every year after submitting the required quarterly reports and fulfilling the following criteria:
Chapter Top Flight Award®: Performs/completes all nine required activities and a minimum of six variable activities during the program year. Must submit quarterly reports according to schedule.
Chapter Second Flight Award®: Performs/completes eight required activities and a minimum of five variable activities during the program year. Must submit quarterly reports according to schedule.
Chapter Third Flight Award®: Performs/completes seven required activities and a minimum of four variable activities during the program year. Must submit quarterly reports according to schedule.
Report Schedule: Complete and accurate Quarterly Reports must be submitted to the appropriate Regional Director (address on report form) no later than:
1st Quarterly Report (January, February, March) - Due April 10
2nd Quarterly Report (April, May, June) - Due July 10
3rd Quarterly Report (July, August, September) – Due October 10
4th Quarterly Report (October, November, December) – Due January 10
Reports received after the deadline(s) will result in the activities during that quarter being eliminated from the program. If no activities occurred during a quarter, report submission is still required.
Copies of sign-up sheets, Chapter Newsletter, registration forms and/or other supporting documentation must accompany each quarterly report.
- Hold at least one Chapter Judging Meet during the program year.
- Conduct one Chapter Technical Seminar during the program year.
- Conduct one Chapter Judging School during the program year.
- Conduct one Chapter Membership Meeting during the program year.
- Conduct one Chapter Charitable Event during the program year (does not have to be Corvette related).
- Conduct on Chapter Road Tour during the program year.
- Conduct one Chapter Social Event during the program year.
- Chapter Website must be maintained and linked to
- Must submit proof of IRS filing each year by year end.
- Chapter or hosted Regional Judging Meet(s) must include cars registered for Flight Judging from at least 5% of the Chapter’s members. (Each car can only be counted once during the program year).
- Required number of technical articles:
- Eight for large size chapters,
- Six for medium chapters
- Four for small chapters
- At least 15% of Chapter members and/or family members must judge or tabulate at the Chapter or hosted Regional Judging Meet(s). Must list each family member separately on the Judges/Tabulators list. The 15% can be an aggregate of all judges/tabulators from all the Chapter Judging meets. However, each family member can only be counted once for judging or tabulating during the program year.
(Example: Marcie tabulates at all three Chapter Judging Meets during the program year – Marcie can only be counted once, not 3 times, towards the 15% requirement.) - 15% of the Chapter members must drive their Corvettes to the Chapter Meet or hosted Regional Meet, or other Chapter events, excluding the Road Tour, during the program year. Each member can be counted once for driving to a Chapter meet or event during the program year. (Example: A member who drives his car to get Flight judged at the Chapter Meet can get counted in #1,#4 and #6. A member cannot be counted for driving to the Chapter meet and then again for driving to the Chapter Christmas party.)
- Chapter Road Tour must include at least 5% (minimum of 3 cars) of the Chapter’s members’ cars.
- 20% of Chapter members are required to attend at least one Chapter function during the program year. (A member that participates in the Chapter Road Tour and attends the Chapter Holiday party can only be counted once, not twice, towards the required 20% for this variable activity.)
- Set up a Facebook page, with minium 1 video posted of NCRS Chapter Event.
- Set up an NCRS display at a non-NCRS Car event to promote NCRS and encourage NCRS registration.
- $100 or more to be donated by the Chapter to a (501-3C) charity (Charity to be one that helps or assists people and is not linked to any political party or person).
The NCRS Chapter Award program will be based on the calendar year January1 to December 31. Recognition Certificates will be sent by mail; Awards will be presented at the Annual General Membership Meeting held during the National Convention. Chapter membership counts will be based on the number of active Chapter members as of January 1 of the program year. A current membership list must be sent with the 1st Quarter Report. A new members list must be reported with the next available Quarterly Report submitted.
All Chapter events, Judging Meets and Road Tours must be planned well in advance with all members notified via email, Chapter Newsletter, or flyers sent to members’ homes.
Chapter Judging Meet – Meet where judging of Corvettes is conducted per NCRS judging guidelines by NCRS judges (see NCRS Judging Reference Manual for details). This includes the display of Sportsman Class Corvettes. Co-hosting a Chapter judging event satisfies this requirement (each co-hosting Chapter receives credit for the judging meet).
Chapter Members – Total number of active members in each Chapter (must also be an active member at the National level). Generally, a husband and wife have one NCRS membership number – for the Chapter Award Program, they will be counted as “one” member when establishing total chapter membership.
Chapter Membership Meeting – A planned meeting with the sole purpose is to conduct the business of the Chapter and elect officers.
Chapter Road Tour – An event where Corvettes are driven as a group for enjoyment. Road Tours are cautioned to observe the rules of the road, all local laws and the NCRS alcohol policy to preserve the image of NCRS, Inc.
Member name, signature and NCRS number must appear on the sign-up sheet to be counted as a participant. Participating in the National Road Tour will not fulfill this requirement.
Chapter Size – Small Chapter is fewer than 75 Chapter members; Medium Chapter is 75 to 150 Chapter members; Large Chapter is 151 or greater Chapter members.
Charitable Event – Event planned and advertised for the sole purpose of raising money to be donated to a local or national charity (501-3C). Charity’s purpose must be to help and/or assist people and must be an approved Charity (see Charity Match Program for approved charities and the pre-approval process).
Corvettes Judged – Car(s) and member must be registered for the event to be counted as a participant. Member can be counted more than once if multiple cars are registered – member must have a designated family member to represent each car. Count the cars registered and judged, not the member.
Event Notification(s) - Members must be notified well in advance of any Chapter event/meet via email, chapter newsletter, a Driveline advertisement, flyer sent to member’s homes, etc.
Judging School – An event where members are trained to be NCRS Judges per the NCRS judging school guidelines. The Judging School will be held in accordance with the guidelines as outlined in the NCRS Judging Reference Manual, Section 13.
Program Year – January 1 through December 31.
Social Event – An event where NCRS members can gather to discuss mutual areas of NCRS interest and enjoy the camaraderie of NCRS membership. This could be a Chapter Holiday Party, Chapter picnic/party, meal “get-together”, etc.
Technical Articles – Articles written by a Chapter member, published in the member’s Chapter Newsletter. Chapter Newsletter containing the article must be sent with the quarterly report.
Technical Seminar –The seminar should be a technical discussion and/or presentation, approximately 1 hour in length, addressing Corvette restoration and preservation techniques.
Original July 30, 2004
Revised May 3, 2005
Revised March 2006
Revised October 2018
Chapter Award Quarterly Report Form
Chapter Award Report form is required to be submitted quarterly for your chapter to participate in the Chapter Award Program.
This form can be filled in online and then printed to be mailed in. Just click on the line to fill in the data, you can use your TAB key to progress from one blank on the form to the next.